
Project 2 Summary

This project was created by Omar Al-Khatib and James Trinh for CS 428 (Augmented and Virtual Reality) at the University of Illinois in Chicago. This started as a blank office with VRTK incorporated in it, and then each group member were to pick a cubicle and decorate them.

Git Page—Office-Cubicle

Video Demo

Youtube Link

How to use

Loading & running the project:

  1. Clone from git to an empty folder.
    1a. git clone—Office-Cubicle
  2. Clone VRTK in a seperate folder using the following commands
    2a. git clone –recurse-submodules
    2b. cd VRTK/
    2c. git checkout 29d098ce511e9c18a189327b74029b193d6011a9
    2d. git submodule init && git submodule update
  3. Move VRTK folder into Assets folder of main project
  4. Start up Unity Hub and add the project folder from the previous step to it.
  5. Set the version to 2019.2.8f1
  6. Launch the project
  7. Decide whether you have your own VR or use a simulated one. a. Simulated rig: Skip to step 8 b. VR Device: On the lefthand Hierarchy chart, click on UnityXRCameraRig and toggle the checkbox on the righthand side towards to top left of the textbox with UnityXRCameraRig in it.
  8. Run the project with the play button.

What you can do in the project

Source Materials

Below is a table of all the sources we use for codes, models, and audios.

Source Codes

Description Link
Transform Unity Documentation
Velocity for jumping object Unity Documentation

Model List

Number Description & Link  
1. Boombox - Made by James T.  
2. Steam Controller - Steam VR  
3. Pen - Unity Asset Store  
4. Phone - Unity Asset Store  
5. Monitor - Made by James  
6. Keyboard -  
7. Laptop - Unity Asset Store  
8. Briefcase - Unity Asset Store  
9. Red Sculpture - made by James T.  

Number Description & Link
10. Basketballhoop - made by James T.
11. Umbrella - Unity Asset Store
12. Sculpted Ghost - made by James T.
13. Portal Dice -
14. Jojo Arrows - SketchFab
15. Miniature Soldier - Thingiverse
16. Miniature Table - Unity Asset Store
17. d20 Dice - [SketchFab]
18. Miniature Dwarf - Thingiverse

Number Description & Link
19. Plant - Unity Asset Store
20. Pot for Plant - Unity Asset Store
21. Spot Light - Unity Asset Store
22. Spot Light - Unity Asset Store
23. Empty Shelf - Unity Asset Store
24. Office Chair - Unity Asset Store

Number Description & Link
25. Disco - made by James T.

Number Description & Link
26. Cage - Made by Omar A.
27. Cardinal - Unity Asset Store
28. Drawers - Made by Omar A.
39. TV - Unity Asset Store
30. White Chair - Unity Asset Store
31. Sword - Made by Omar A.
32. Shield - Made by Omar A.
34. One Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
35. Two Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
36. Three Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
37. Grandpa - 3D Warehouse
37. Four Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
38. Five Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
39. Six Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
40. Seven Star Ball - 3D Warehouse
41. Kirby - 3D Warehouse

Number Description & Link
42. Origami Crane - 3D Warehouse
43. Gum Stick - 3D Warehouse
44. Rat - 3D Warehouse

Number Description & Link
45. Piggy Bank - 3D Warehouse
46. Box - 3D Warehouse
47. Solid Snake - 3D Warehouse

Number Description & Link
48. Death Star - 3D Warehouse

Number Description & Link
49. Lego Brick - 3D Warehouse
50. Pencil - Made by Omar A.
51. Paperclip - Made by Omar A.

Number Description & Link
52. Giraffe -

Audio Used

Number File Name Description & Link
1. AC ambient loop.mp3 Background ambient noise -
2. Click2-Sebastian-759472264.mp3 Keyboard Clack & Light Switch -
3. barradeen-you-are-not-alone - trimmed.mp3
4. cha_ching.mp3 Piggybank sound - Zedge
5. kirby hiiii.mp3 kirby sound - Youtube
6. Metal Gear Solid Alert.mp3 ! - Youtube
7. mouse_sms_chichi.mp3 Mouse appear sound - Zedge
8. phone sound.mp3 phone touch sound - My tablet
9. RAINBOW SIX SIEGE - Menu SoundTrack.mp3 TV sound - Youtube
10. sword_slash.mp3 Sword grab sound - Zedge
11. this_is_snake.mp3 Snake touch sound - Zedge
12. Briefcase_Pickup.mp3 Briefcase talking when picked up - made by James T.
13. Briefcase_idle 1.mp3 Briefcase talking when held - made by James T.
14. Briefcase_Thanks.mp3 Briefcase talking when let go - made by James T.
15. Jojo_s_Bizarre_Adventure_OST_-_Awaken_Pillar_Men_Theme_.mp3 Arrows Local Sound - Youtube
16. modern-jazz-samba-by-kevin-macleod.mp3 Boombox Music -
17. Who Likes to Party.mp3 Boombox Music -
18. Sculpture Sound.mp3 Red Sculpture Sound - made by James T.

How effective this method is:

Technology has gone very far, and so has virtual reality. One of the biggest applications of virtual reality is to be able to plan a space out ahead of time, whether it’s interior design, structural engineer, or architecture. By working on this project on Unity with the Virtual Reality Toolkit, we find that it is quite feasible from our experience to plan on a design using virtual reality. From a large perspective, such as viewing the whole building or even a block on a city, the user can get an idea of how well the furniture and decorations would blend together. In our program, we were able to grow to a larger size, even past the roof, so that we were able to survey the whole office and see things in unimaginable perspective. At a normal perspective, the user can witness the scene as if it was set up. The user would be able to experience walking in and, in an ideal application, make adjustment such as moving furniture around to saving the layout in real time. Visually, virtual reality is almost perfect, emphasis on the almost. There are some downsides however with our current technology. As of now, emulating fabrics and texture is quite difficult. What if the tile looks great, but ended up being too slippery? What if the chair looks great but actually feels uncomfortable? This can easily be tested, however, as people can test furniture and flooring in person before buying them, or they can get a guaranteed comfortability from the manufacturer. What we didn’t end up doing in the project, however, is the idea that walls and panels can be turned off and on visually. This is a huge plus for anyone who is planning for plumbing, wiring, or air ducts, as running a utility through the wall is much easier when they know the layout and structure within it ahead of time through an x-ray perspective. Another interesting idea is being able to shrink further. One would be able to get perspective on people of various sizes, and this is especially important for those with disability such as dwarfism or are wheelchair bounded. Tables, counters, and sink may be too high to reach for some, so the smaller perspective helps to put the user in the shoes of those with different requirements. We’re also not limited to just structures too! Automotive like cars, busses, airplanes, cruise ships, or even rocket ships benefit from technique like this as well! This offers one of the best way to test visibility from the driver’s seat, as well as provide a way to prototype wiring plans under the chassis without needing to create a physical prototype! But I feel one of the strongest applicating of this technique is that once we are able to work with this type of application in real time, having people cooperate or a “multiplayer” mode would be a huge boost to productivity. When we were working on this application, we couldn’t edit the same scene together, but if we were able to both work on it at the same time, a lot of time could have been saved. Inconclusion, this technique to planning out space and structures is quite promising. Although there are some lack of senses one wouldn’t get from a real version, such as touch, the amount of money and time this could save is well worth it.